Having a loved one going through inpatient rehab can be difficult and bring many emotions to the surface. This can make it a challenge to know how best to help them. We look at options that can be implemented now to help your loved one feel supported.
Gain an Understanding of Addiction and Recovery
One of the most effective ways to help a loved one in rehab is to educate yourself about the mechanisms of addiction and the process of recovery. A lot of information may have already been given to you by the inpatient treatment center your loved one has been admitted to.
There are also many online resources that can both help you to understand what your loved one is going through and help you deal with the emotions you may be experiencing.
Be Involved in Their Treatment
Once your loved one has completed the initial phase of treatment, you will be encouraged to attend family therapy sessions because addiction affects everyone, and these relationships need to be repaired. Attending family treatment can also address any issues that are counterproductive to their recovery and will show that you’re committed to their success.
Speak in Positives
Contact with a loved one may be limited during treatment. This is done so they can focus on recovery. Therefore, it’s important to make the most of any conversations you have with them. Tell your loved one that you admire their courage in seeking help, and that you’ll be there for them as long as they continue to stick to their plan for treatment.
Show Them They Matter to You
While you may not be able to speak with them at first, you can send them cards, letters, and care packages. These can go a long way toward helping your loved one feel supported. However, contact their treatment center first to ensure what you plan to send is permitted.
Set Boundaries and Let Go
Supporting a loved one and enabling them are two very different things. When healthy boundaries are set, you offer help to your loved one but not in favor or at the expense of your own needs and abilities.
Setting healthy boundaries lets your loved one know exactly what behavior you will and will no longer accept. However, there is a very important second part to boundary setting, which is enforcing them. This part can be very difficult to do, especially if enabling was the norm prior to them entering inpatient drug rehab. However, it is necessary in order for your loved one to successfully recover.
Letting go is being aware that it is up to your loved one, not you, to control the success or failure of their recovery. In fact, doing this is necessary so that they can do the hard work ahead and become a more resilient person.
Adelante Recovery Center is committed to the holistic, individual treatment of those suffering from addiction. Call us to speak with an inpatient specialist today: (949) 427-9099.